TechStar Holdings:  Who We Are

  • TStar is an Acquisition, Holding, Consolidation and Management Services Company.
  • The Mission of TStar is the identification, qualification and acquisition of well established corporate spinoffs and divestitures, appropriately valued public entities, exceedingly overleveraged private equity controlled properties and proven private enterprises.
  • The Goal of TStar is to significantly develop and grow the Company's acquired subsidiaries.

 TStar is not:

  • private equity firm or fund that must meet a pre-determined ROI or IRR at any cost………not an LBO or Venture Capital Firm;
  • A “flipper” of companies - will not churn companies at their expense for short term gain;
  • Looking to cut costs, operations and locations to improve a balance sheet for immediate sale; or
  • Looking to buy and dismantle companies solely for short-term profit!